From Bohernabreena all the way to Ringsend . . .

From Bohernabreena all the way to Ringsend . . .

This is a story about the experiences of my friend and I as we meandered along The Dodder River from the Mountains of Dublin right down to the mouth of The Liffey. So – if you are looking for precise instructions on where to turn right, left and such like – I’m afraid this article will be no help to you. Some specific movements we made are recorded. But in most cases we were enjoying the experience so much and the journey itself passed with such ease that they all just blended in. And now - a slight personal introduction. I live in Kinsale. This idea was the brainchild of my friend Aengus who hails from Cork. We met at a hiking festival in The Glen of Aherlow about 5…
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The Lug Walk

Taking place as close to the day with the longest daylight hours as possible (Summer Solstice) the Lug Walk is no ordinary Challenge Walk! Hosted every second year by The Irish Ramblers, this is one of the "Big Daddys" in the world of Challenge Walks! Having a cumulative ascent similar to the Maamturks, this walk is twice as long! It is a great walk indeed, that splits into three distinct stages - each with their own merits and unique "pains of day". The first section may as well take place in the middle of the night its such an unearthly hour to be off on a potter. The second stage has lots of tough ascent and the infamous Barnacullion. And the final stretch sees the weary walker negotiating bog and…
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